Error Handling

The Raisely API returns RFC7807 compliant errors. Don't worry if you don't know what that means, the important things to know are:

  • HTTP status codes will be 4xx or 5xx when there's a problem
  • The body of the response will be a JSON object
  • The detail property of the JSON object can be shown to the end user
  • The errors property contains an array giving specific details of one or more errors that occurred.

Raisely API supplies additional information in errors that can help you with debugging and handling errors automatically.


Here's an example of a validation error that you might receive

	// A summary of the error that you can show to the user
	// When there is only one error this takes the value of errors[0].message
	"detail": "2 fields are invalid (profileUuid,userUuid)",
	// Identifies the kind of error
	"code": "invalid value",
	"type": "/errors/types/invalid-value",
	// Same as the HTTP status code of the response
	"status": 400,
	// You can pass this value to Support to help identify the 
	// specific instance of the error
	"instance": "/errors/occurrence/4fa30ffb-72ba-41cd-b90f-943ca2f30999",
	"time": "2020-11-02T10:18:35.242Z",
	"errors": [
			"code": "invalid value",
			"message": "profileUuid is a required field",
			"status": 400,
			// Provides more detail on the nature of the error
			"subcode": "required",
			// Optional additional details about the object related to the error
			"field": "profileUuid",
			"recordType": "post",
			"detail": "One or more values is missing or invalid"
			"title": "Invalid value",
			"code": "invalid value",
			"message": "userUuid is a required field",
			"status": 400,
			"subcode": "required",
			"field": "userUuid",
			"recordType": "post",
			"title": "Invalid value",
			"detail": "One or more values is missing or invalid"

Errors and Subscodes

The error object will contain an errors property that is an array of one or more errors with additional detail. For example, if there is a validation error, you will receive an error with a code of invalid value and each of the entries in the errors array will correspond with an invalid field. Each entry will contain a subcode and other properties that describes the specific problem with that field.

Error Codes

The code value that is returned distinguishes the broad type of error(s) that occurred. Each will have a specific HTTP status code, but note that HTTP status codes do not correspond 1-to-1 with our error codes (for example invalid token and unauthorized are both 401 errors).

invalid token401The token supplied was invalid
unauthorized401Not logged in / login failed
forbidden403Logged in but access is denied
already exists409Duplicate record exists
not found404One or more of the requested records could not be found
invalid record state412Operation cannot proceed with the record in the current state it's in
payment gateway error400An error was returned by the payment gateway when handling a payment or a card
rate limit exceeded429Too many requests sent in a short period of time
payment required402The feature or service requires a paid plan to access (related to admin functions, not processing of donations)
restricted field403You are not allowed to view/edit that field. This could be related to your role, or simply that the field cannot ever be modified on a record
invalid value400One or more values in the body or query is invalid
empty body400The body or ( is missing from a request
gone410Record or endpoint no longer exists
internal error500 / 503Unexpected internal Raisely system error. Contact

Authorization Errors

invalid token

The provided token cannot be used to access the API. It may have expired or been revoked.


This is returned when an attempt to become authorised fails, or when attempting to perform an operation that requires authorisation.

upstreamThe authorisation error was with an upstream service (eg when attempting to connect with Strava or Facebook)
Optional propertyDescription
serviceThe name of the service that returned the error (eg facebook or strava)


The user is not permitted to access those resources. This could either be a permissions error because the user's role doesn't allow them to access those resources, or the resource may not be accessible to any users.

Record or Parameter Errors

Record or parameter errors represent problems with the state of the record, the operation you tried to perform or the fields you tried to access or change.

Any of these errors may include additional properties in the errors array to help you identify the cause of the error

Optional propertyDescription
allowedValuesAn array of the permitted values for fields with a specific restricted set of values
fieldThe body or query parameter that is problematic
recordTypeThe type of record that the problem occurred on
recordIdAn identifier of the record where the problem occurred (or in the case of not found the identifier that was used to try and find the record.

Note that this may not necessarily be a UUID but could be any identifier you may have used to find a record, for example, a path if you supplied a path for a query filter.
valueValue of the field that was problematic

not found

The record could not be found. This could be the record that you were looking for, or if you are creating a new record or filtering results, it could be a related record that you were trying to reference.

already exists

A record already exists and unique constraints prevent another from being created. For example, this might be thrown if you try to create a profile in a campaign with the same path as an existing profile in that campaign.

invalid record state

The current record state prevents you from performing the requested operation.

restricted field

You have attempted to access or change a field that you are not permitted. Some fields can only be set on creation, but not updated. While others can simply never be set or changed (eg uuid of a record)

invalid value

You have sent a parameter or field with an invalid value. The field and recordType properties should always be present to help you identify the problematic field. subcode is provided to help identify the specific problem.

invalidThe field is present in the request, but the value is not valid.
requiredThe field is missing, but is required

Other Errors

payment gateway error

The payment gateway (eg Stripe or Paypal) returned an error.

rate limit exceeded

Some requests are limited in the frequency that they can be sent

payment required

The feature or service requires a paid plan to access. Not to be confused with errors from the payment gateway (above). This error is only returned when an admin tries to access a feature that requires a paid usage plan.

empty body

The body or ( is missing from a POST, PATCH or PUT request


The record no longer exists or the API path requested has been deprecated

internal error

An unexpected error has occurred with Raisely. If the error persists you can contact