Profile Structure
Profiles are the core of any fundraising campaign. Raisely has a hierarchical structure of profiles that's important to consider in your integration.
What are profiles?
Profiles are the fundraising pages someone creates on Raisely. For example, if I'm participating in a fun run I'll sign up to the campaign and create a profile at This profile is public, I can post blog posts to it, join it to teams and most importantly receive money.
At a system level, profiles are what always receives money in Raisely. When you create a campaign, a profile is created for that campaign. Donations to a form theme in Raisely, or to the general campaign donation page will effectively go to the campaign profile.
Understanding profile heirarchy
Every profile in Raisely, except the campaign profile, has a parent. The profile I made before will have a parent of the campaign. If my profile was a team with members, then my team members would have a parent of my team.
You'll see this parent ID referenced across documents in the API.
Profile IDs across the API
Often operations in the Raisely API will require a profile ID. For example, adding a donation needs a profile to add that donation to. If you don't want that donation added to a specific profile, you need to supply the campaign profile instead.
Updated about 4 years ago